Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big Kids

Adults are merely big kids. In all aspects, they are larger, taller and wiser (so they say).
That's it. Look around.

I was on the plane, bored of my leisure reading, tired of sleeping and uncomfortable. This leads to wandering eyes. I like to watch people, as said so many times previously.
Taking off and landing creates a sort of equality.
Every person young and old, tall and small, thin and "more to love" turns into, if not already, a child, cocking their heads in odd positions, moving rapidly, leaning over, invading personal space. All this in order to look out the tiny plane window in hopes to see something they have never seen before. The odds are, unlikely. But despite the probability they insist on supporting their fascination for life outside the plane, though they were just there.

Up in the air, seat belts on, out come the toys. Again united in puerility. Look at it as a generality. The adults take out their toys, i.e. laptops, phones, I-Pads...etc. The "children" take out their toys, i.e. gameboys, coloring books, I-pods, dolls...etc. A toy is a toy and the fact is every person on that plane felt the need to be occupied or busy and chose to use that time to "play."

Adults are "big kids" outside the airport, of course! Think... every time a youngster wants something their puppy dog eyes and pouty lips take over their small face. We, adults, do the EXACT same thing! Our voice inflection changes completely and not to mention our level of nice is raised a whole level in attempt to win over the "requestee."

Everybody wants their chicken noodle soup and TLC when they are ill, regardless of age.
Everybody has said "CAN I SEE!? CAN I SEE!?"
Everybody has told a little white lie.
Everybody suffers from jealousy.
Everybody is impatient.
Everybody cries.

And so on and so on!

So what makes an adult different from a "kid?"

Debt and facial hair!

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