Thursday, January 28, 2010

Freezing Fog

Today I woke up to the "freezing Fog," as is called by USU. A dark cold day, but a great day!

Instead of listening to music as I walked to school I listened to people, cars and wind, the music naturally made by everyday life. If I did listen to music like always, I wouldn't have heard the exact moment one car hit another. For that brief moment, I was happy I didn't have a car.

Instead of paying attention in class I let my mind wander. I like this. My mind takes me so far away from reality, for that brief moment, I was completely content with life. They say when this happens you are "outside of your mind" but I think I was definitely very consumed in it!

Instead of doing homework in the hour break I had between classes, I attempted to take a nap. I lay down on a couch, in a hall where quite a few students pass. I couldn't sleep except for a brief moment.

Instead of going to the gym and working off the many calories I eat in a day, I went grocery shopping, only to eat some more. I mooched a ride from a friend who claimed it felt like we were married. For that brief moment I was... well, I really didn't know how to respond to that.

Instead of doing homework, now that I was done for the day of classes, I played guitar for 3 hours. I sang about anything and everything, at the top of my lungs, without a care in the world. For that brief moment I was amused. The walls in my apartment are paper thin and ALL my roommates were home.

Instead of paying (fully) attention to the "State of the Union," I fell into my mind again. For that brief moment, I hoped that no one in the room could read my mind and see how immature I really can be.

Instead of listening to (Zacks sad) music, I played truth, a game that I can so rarely be COMPLETELY honest in. For that brief moment I felt vulnorable, revealed and relieved. I love that game.

Today I will sleep in this "Freezing Fog." It is dark and I am cold but it was a great day.

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