Thursday, January 28, 2010

Freezing Fog

Today I woke up to the "freezing Fog," as is called by USU. A dark cold day, but a great day!

Instead of listening to music as I walked to school I listened to people, cars and wind, the music naturally made by everyday life. If I did listen to music like always, I wouldn't have heard the exact moment one car hit another. For that brief moment, I was happy I didn't have a car.

Instead of paying attention in class I let my mind wander. I like this. My mind takes me so far away from reality, for that brief moment, I was completely content with life. They say when this happens you are "outside of your mind" but I think I was definitely very consumed in it!

Instead of doing homework in the hour break I had between classes, I attempted to take a nap. I lay down on a couch, in a hall where quite a few students pass. I couldn't sleep except for a brief moment.

Instead of going to the gym and working off the many calories I eat in a day, I went grocery shopping, only to eat some more. I mooched a ride from a friend who claimed it felt like we were married. For that brief moment I was... well, I really didn't know how to respond to that.

Instead of doing homework, now that I was done for the day of classes, I played guitar for 3 hours. I sang about anything and everything, at the top of my lungs, without a care in the world. For that brief moment I was amused. The walls in my apartment are paper thin and ALL my roommates were home.

Instead of paying (fully) attention to the "State of the Union," I fell into my mind again. For that brief moment, I hoped that no one in the room could read my mind and see how immature I really can be.

Instead of listening to (Zacks sad) music, I played truth, a game that I can so rarely be COMPLETELY honest in. For that brief moment I felt vulnorable, revealed and relieved. I love that game.

Today I will sleep in this "Freezing Fog." It is dark and I am cold but it was a great day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Things that make me smile

A guy walking his walk with his head phones in singing and slightly swaying to himself. At that brief moment he was happy. At that brief moment I was happy too.

Someone smiling to themselves or better yet literally laughing out loud. Smiling and laughing really are contagious. Spread the word, or smile.

A truly unique style. I saw a woman wearing a bohemian skirt with pants underneath and leg warmers on top and tennis shoes. She's got style. haha

City and Colour, a band.

Bon Iver, another band.

Guster, the BEST band.

A couple in obvious, newly discovered love. I LOVE love.

A couple that has been in love for 50 years. When I see a wrinkly, grey grandpa and his wife walking on the side walk with their hands clasped tight, still laughing at each others jokes, it makes me whole week.

Friends. Friends really are family you choose for yourself. I don't know what I would do without the constant shoulder to cry on and the things my greatest friends do to make me laugh.

A stranger's hello. No one says hello or waves anymore like in those old 1950's movies except for my family. I guess we really are old fashion. But it isn't so bad in black and white is it?

Slipping, falling, PLUMMETING, laughing. Tis the season for the occasional bump on the head and bruise on the butt. It hurts but its funny.

Discovery, adventure. Trying something new every day. Like a midnight bike ride.

An unexpected hug. Wearing a shirt that says "Free hugs" is fun and everything but wouldn't you rather have a hug that was completely unexpected and not for the reason of putting a "kick me" sticker on someones back?

P eople. People make me laugh. I consider myself very independent. I can live on my own, take care of myself, I don't need anybody. But in this sense, I am dependent. I feed off other's energy, foolishness, happiness, sadness, anger, etc. People are wonderful. Look around. Notice all kinds of different people, uniquely sculpted and constructed. People make me smile, everyday. :)

The best things in life...

aren't always fun, but down the road seem VERY funny.

make me laugh.

and sometimes cry.

anger joins in every once in a while.

aren't free.

aren't predictable.

are sometimes things you don't realize are the 'best things in life' till they're gone.

can surprise you.

The best things in life aren't always the best things in life but they make us who we are, that's why they really are the best things because no one can change you except for you and you are unique because of these things.