Friday, June 3, 2011


I love traveling. I always have. This could be do to the fact that my dad served in the Military for 20 years making me an Army Brat. Maybe I just learned to like traveling now that he is retired. Today, I am in Houston, Texas. A part of me says that I am back home because I was born just north of here in Killeen and the humidity reminds me of North Carolina. Another part of me actually misses the Mormon infested, mountainous state of Utah. I did not realize how much I loved Utah until I came here. Houston has got nothing on Mormonville. It is hot, humid and other than NASA there is not much to do down here in the dirty south. Well, it is not that dirty but I found myself very disappointed when I did not see a plethora of cowboy hats when I exited the plane. I have seen thus far a total of four and this is my third day here. Speaking of planes, I get to ride one of NASAs, the VOMIT COMET. I have not actually vomited in years but I am getting anxious to find out whether or not the name of the aircraft will ring true for me. Anyway, despite the fact that there is not much to do and my skin is constantly damp throughout the day, the people here are more friendly than the characters at Disneyland. When I got off the bus and walked to another bus stop with all my luggage, I sat and waited. I waited for an hour. A local saw me and asked, "are you ok?" With a smile and a slight chuckle I said yes. The same person came back to the bus stop and sat across from me and asked again, "are you ok?" The first thing I thought was, "wow people are nice here!" It's not that Utah is not nice it's just that Utah is shy, or maybe just too self observed to say hello. I hope I am not considered a Utahn. This Houstonian, born and raised was Victor. For a moment I forgot about the heat and humidity. He asked me if I saw the game last night and motioned for a piece of gum when I got a piece for myself. Another Houstonian said a pretty eyes in a Spanish accent. Ten more walking the streets were homeless caring more grocery bags than I carry after I walk out of a grocery store with two weeks of groceries. One Houstonian was shaking, drawing shapes in the air and talking to himself. What an adventure! Oh, and I am a minority again. It is quite refreshing.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

An adventure

I would like to go on a very long adventure. Recently, I traveled the whopping 18 or so miles to Salt Lake City, by myself, and had an adventure. The best part of that outdoor expo was this....

Oh the little joys in life! I believe this old, abandoned building was supposed to say, "The Glass Factory." As I snickered to myself, I remembered I had my camera in my bag. One picture and I have sealed this happiness for my viewing any time I want. This is better than a stress ball. I suggest, find those little joys in life, as silly as they may be, because they are what make this world go round!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I am aware how depressing this is but I was thinking about the holocaust. And then I felt impressed to write about it and it ended up rhyming. And then I felt proud to be an American.

Like an ocean wave, violent and untamed
Brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers
wearing numbers as names
taking one life for another

Where is the cause, where is the reason?
Soldiers, leaders, neighbors and friends
All in favor for a collective treason
Will there be justice, that will make amends?

Will there be a second chance?
Tommy, Sara, Bobby and Beth
have little air and zero stance
Like a wilting flower taking its last breath

A young boy lifts his head
"The Americans have come!"
"At last there will be no more dead"
Shalom, Shalom, Shalom, Shalom.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cold Runnings

I went running today.
Not a good idea.
Why on Earth would I decide to go running when it's 10 degrees outside without any gloves?
I will tell you why.

Despite the fact that I haven't had any real exercise for over three weeks and I am sure my esophagus is frozen from intensely breathing through my mouth, which is my fault for being a stubborn mouth breather opposed to the recommended nose inhalation, running is good for you.

Who decided that!? My back hurts, my hands are dry, my knees hurt, my hair is a mess, my ankles hurt, my eyes are dry, my shins hurt, my lips are dry... and so on. The only thing that doesn't exude pain are my eye lashes, that is, of course, because they can't feel pain. Lucky ducks.

After exerting myself, I dread what came next. I ate. Well, running makes me hungry! No surprise there, everything makes me hungry but the fact that I ran to burn off all the junk I ate last night, todays' binge completely overwrites any efforts to erase my guilty pleasures.

So what is the point!? To live longer you say? Well, I hate to break it to you but we are all going to die anyway. As for losing weight to look "hot" to the opposing sex, if you don't like me for my curvaceous body type, which was very popular before "high fashion" came along mind you, I don't really care.

So, I have come to the conclusion that there aren't that many physical benefits but I have a few personal benefits.

1. I got to listen to my NEW Ipod
2. I got out of the house
3. I watched the sunset
a. Utah is entirely surrounded by mountains and the wests' natural towers were disappearing with the sun, due to fog. It looked like someone had taken an eraser and smudged God's painting. Only the very top could be seen, the sharp points of the mountains and only because the sun was it's back light, providing a pinkish tint. Breath taking.
4. I felt FAST!
5. I got to say I ran for whatever the distance of 7000 steps is, thanks to my pedometer on my NEW Ipod.

It started and ended with the Ipod. You can see where my priorities are. Forget weight-loss new years resolutions. Who keeps those anyway?