Tuesday, December 14, 2010

May my spirits be bright?

I cannot begin to fathom why people do not like winter. I propose this question. HAVE YOU LOOKED OUT YOUR WINDOW? Have you looked passed your TV screen and Facebook page? I challenge you this; Drop the Wi, Xbox, Nintendo, what have you! Crank the fireplace, drink hot cocoa and dance to your favorite Christmas tune.
Stop. Breathe.
Look around at this glorious world we live in. Icicles branch off the cold tree pretending like they are leaves' replacement.
"Purple mountain majesty!"
Snowball fights are procrastinations' best friend and snowflakes cling to your hair stronger than any bobby pin. Winter is the only time you can actually see your breath, where every time you speak you paint a temporary canvas.

If you asked me...

I'd say Winter is breath taking.