Sunday, August 2, 2009

Checking myself out = not such a good idea

I don't find myself "super model" material but I have those days where I put effort into what I look like that day. Sometimes it turns out well. I feel good, which results in my cocky attitude of "I know I look good."

When I am in this self-absorbed mood not only do I take several "myspace" pictures of myself (you myspacers and facebookers, you know what I mean, we all have 'em) but I check myself out. I look in the mirror and move in several directions, smile a bit and pretend I am the hottest thing next to Jessica Alba. haha... anyway...

One day I was checking myself out. The mirror that reflected my image just happened to be at the top of the stairs. I was walking down. I didn't take my eyes off the mirror and I attempted to "runway walk" down the stairs.

I didn't quite run but I fell WAY down the stairs. Checking myself out = not such a good idea.

It was a humbling experience. But I don't learn.

Another one of those days and I was in the bathroom with the door that decides to shut any time it pleases, no set schedule, no warning. The door was open when I started flaunting my new outfit in the mirror. Then when I turned right to leave the bathroom I was STILL LOOKING AT MYSELF!

I ran into the door that decided to close right then. Checking myself out = not such a good idea.

Oh but then I go to the gym. There are mirrors everywhere! Now I don't know if they are there so people see themselves and think "looking good!" which then motivates them more. Or so people can see how disgusting they really look which in turn, motivates them. So I guess it's good...?

I was running on the treadmill, ok not running, jogging. I saw myself in the mirror and I honestly wanted to see how I ran. I always see people running really funny, I just wanted to know if I was one of them. So I checked myself out and tripped some how on the treadmill.

The gym was busy that day. Checking myself out = not such a good idea.